The Project "Mahindra Citadel" is being developed by Mahindra Lifespace Developers Limited ("MLDL") in a phase-wise manner. The various phases have been registered with MahaRERA bearing registration numbers as follows: Phase 1 - P52100047656, valid upto: 30/06/2028, Bastion J , K - P52100053150, valid upto: 30/06/2029, Bastion I - P52100053012, valid upto: 30/03/2030. More information is available at This Metaverse experience is an artistic representation for illustrative purposes for the project and does not constitute a legal offer. The terms and conditions of the Agreement between the Parties shall govern the sale of the apartment and supersede all previous representations.




MAHARERA registration No. P52100047656 | P52100053150 | P52100053012 . For more details visit :